Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Take Two Aspirin...

I had a headache last week. I mean a monster of a headache! The only reason it did not have "Excedrin" written all over it was because that space was occupied by a sign reading "Wide Load". It was the Moby Dick of headaches; I kept waiting for Donald Trump to offer to buy it and name it after himself. At first, I was afraid that I wouldn't live; then I was afraid that I would! It was some headache, folks!

What causes them, I wonder? Improper diet? Tension? Too much caffeine? A problem with my faith walk? I don't know what always causes a headache, but I take a certain amount of comfort in knowing that neither do the white frock-coated high priests of the medical profession!

I did remember one theory, which I heard mentioned several years ago, by comedian Bill Cosby. He explained the origin of headaches this way: "The little dudes in your head get bored. In an effort to relieve this boredom," he reasoned, "these tiny, little men take out axes, hammers, and drills and start thrashing your skull in an effort to escape." And why not? Forbes Magazine says that Bill Cosby has a net worth of $450 million plus as of 2009; maybe he deserves a hearing on this subject.

I wonder if churches get headaches for the same reason? The little men and women who compose the Body of Christ stop seeking to win the lost (Psalm 126:5,6; Matt. 4:19), to love the loveless (Matt. 22:36-29; I John 4:7,8), to meet the needs of the needy (James 2:15,16; I John 3:17,18), and we get bored. With "nothing to do", we take out our Bibles and our bats and turn on one another, thrashing away, resulting in massive contusions and fractured fellowship (Gal. 5:15).

Are you a "bored little dude" in the Body of Christ? Don't give the church a headache (Eph. 5:31,32)! You will find plenty to do (Ecc. 9:10; Col. 3:23), plenty of legitimate spiritual enemies to fight (Eph. 6:12), if only you will look around (Eph. 5:15; I Pet. 5:8). Remember to be "heads-up", not a headache.

Aspirin(g) To Serve,
Pastor David Blevins

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