Monday, March 26, 2012

Strong To The Finish

Robert S. Smith doesn't like to finish what he starts. He figures that is very, very good for his business.

You see, Mr. Smith is the owner of a company that sells unfinished church furniture: altars, communion tables, those sort of things (No seats, though; Mr. Smith doesn't do pews). Why unfinished furniture? Because the items will typically cost about 50% less that way. That works out very well for most churches, which do not have a lot of money to start with, but do have many skilled people willing to seal, stain, varnish, and paint. There is also much more involved here than money. It seems somehow that many people really enjoy having a hand in preparing God's house for worship (See Exodus 35:30-36:2).

Now, I have never met Mr. Robert S. Smith, but he reminds me a lot of God; they are both in the business of filling His churches with unfinished products.

Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are God's "workmanship." Each one of us Christians are an item created by the Master Carpenter to assist His church in serving Him (Pslam 100:2). But Paul teaches that we are somewhat like unfinished furniture, "created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." In other words, God roughs us out, giving us the privilege of taking part in the final smoothing and shaping of our lives as we lovingly obey His Word and humbly submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

So, if some of your fellow church furnishings have some rough edges and leave an occasional splinter in your Sunday spirituality, don't condemn the church or even foolishly decide that God isn't taking very good care of His business. God is showing us our true business, to be a great advertisement to the lost for God's goodness and love and to be a finishing craftsman in His kingdom. while you are at it, don't forget that you and I could use a little varnish ourselves!

Strong To The Finish,
Pastor David Blevins

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